Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Vegan Crepes


So I know the post says vegan crepes, but I ruined them with Nutella. Stupid skim milk ingredient. But tonight was a straight up Nutella night. I had gone through the horrible process of registering for classes only to find out that I'll need to take extra online classes to graduate on time due to some departmental changes. Cost to me: $973.

Then we have Valentines Day. My love lives far away in Florida. We decided to wait for our Valentines Day celebration. But did Valentines Day wait for us? NOOOOOOOOO. I had to sit and watch while people were showered with flours, candies, and good smelling men...pass the Nutella jar, please. 

Now that you know I cheated on this vegan thing, I'll tell you about the actual crepes which are vegan and freaking amazing.

It took me 2 tries to cook it right. The first time I didn't let it cook long enough. If you've ever cooked a regular crepe before, you know that there's that fine line between "just enough" and "BUURRRRRN!" These take a bit longer than usual, but I didn't know that so I freaked out and ended up mushing my way through flour porridge. It was bad. I almost gave up. The second time, I pushed that limit. Mmmm...burning.

Then I added a little bit more water to thin the batter, and exercised a little more patience (I am only human after all, and I couldn't wait for those crepes!), and voila! Perfection. You get a nice little kick from the maple syrup, and these would be heavenly topped with some fruit.

Or you could cheat with Nutella.

Layered, cut, Nutella-d, and sugared.

Vegan Crepes

  • 1/2 cup soy milk (or coconut/rice/almond)
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/4 cup melted soy margarine
  • 1 tablespoon turbinado sugar (sugar in the raw!)
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt (optional)


1) Mix all ingredients in a bowl. 
2) Grease a 5-6in skillet with your margarine. Heat until the skillet is nice and hot, then add about 3 tbsp of batter, making sure to spread thin in a circular motion.
3) Cook until golden and flip.

Perfection in a pan.

You may also find that the crepe is too crumbly if you flip it too early. Or if you use a metal spatula. So switch to a plastic one and have patience my friend!


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