Thursday, February 23, 2012

22 days until Spring Break

I have 22 days until Spring Break. I just figured out that if I can live off of the groceries I have in my kitchen for the next 22 days without buying anything else and hoarding my paychecks...I will have saved up enough money to fully pay off my tuition and my housing for Spring Quarter. Fully. Fully. Fully.


I know I have enough food...I'll just need to come up with some combinations to keep things interesting for a while. 

However, like the blog title suggests...sometimes you only get to pick two of the three things you need. This month and next month I'll choose tuition and rent. I'll try to stay away from boring food as much as I can, but I'm really looking forward to a quarter where I can put all of my money to good use. I can stick half my earnings into a savings account. I can buy myself a new pair of jeans so I can stop wearing yoga pants everyday. I can buy an extra gift for my sponsor children. I could even treat my Dad to a Mariner's game since I missed his birthday. 

Are these things worth eating pasta everyday? I think so.

I promise I'll post some recipes later. Perhaps after my mid-quarter crisis ;)

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