Saturday, January 28, 2012

Tuition, Rent, or Food

The reasons behind creating a "food" blog are pretty simple.

I'm in college.
I'm broke.
Paying tuition is a bitch.
I've wanted to start a food blog but don't have fancy camera crap so I've always felt inferior so I've never started one and I still feel like a poser for starting one but I think I can do it because other people can but I still feel--

Well, shit. I'm doing it now.

So, welcome to my life. I love to cook, but my love of food conflicts with my ability to pay rent or tution...or in this month's case rent AND tuition. I'll take shitty photography in piss-poor lighting (which might make my wonderful bean soup look like dog vomit) but it'll get the point and my recipes across.

Or it will make me look really stupid.

I'm going to go make muffins now.

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